Sunday, September 20, 2009

Update on Kanye West

I told you he was an idiot...

Sunday, November 9, 2008

J's Artist Opinion: Kanye West

Personally, I have no idea why he's as popular as he is. I think he's terrible!

So far, the only song I like from him is his new one, "Love Lock Down". Sadly, this is one where he sings rather than raps!

Okay, so let's pick him and his music apart...

Somehow he gets some of the best beats out there and I have no idea why. But then he goes on to put the worst lyrics to these amazing beats. For example, " could be my black Kate Moss tonight...". It's like he's stretching to find something that fits the rhythm and the required syllables. And sadly, that's the second line in a series of three lines where he uses the same word to rhyme with "tonight". I hate when rappers use the same word to rhyme with itself. How hard of a word is "tonight"? He could have used "right", "sight", "tight", "might", etc. Easy. And he does that rhyming scheme through the whole song! He also does a four-line segment in the second verse of "Gold Digger" using the word "money"...

Also, the first time he annoyed me was in his song "Gold Digger" where he made the guttural "uhn" after like EVERY line in the chorus. Listen to it. After you hear it, you'll always hear it no matter how hard to try not to.

If I wanted to listen to bad rapping, I'd listen to LFO!

Secondly, he's WAY too full of himself for his own talent. He says what he wants to say when he wants to say it with no regard for anyone else.

I'm sure you've all seen the video when he was with Mike Meyers. If not, here it is. To make it worse, he sounds like a stuttering idiot who doesn't know any proper English. I'm not saying I'm a Shakespeare by any means, but I know how speak correctly, even when it's improv.

For me, all around, he seems like a complete, talentless idiot who just knows the right people to get him on top. And I'm not the only one who thinks that way.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Change of Plan

Okay, since I'm not really very good at teaching anything, I've decided to change this blog from Music Theory to just my opinions of different styles of music. This makes it more interesting and easier for me and hopefully the same for you.

If, however, you DO have music theory questions, go ahead and email me your question and I'll get back to you within the week (usually).

So here we go...

 - J

Friday, August 22, 2008


Welcome to the Music Theory by J blog!

Music is one of my greatest passions in life. Luckily, it comes fairly easy for me. I understand music theory easily and there's always a new song in my head for me to write down.

I have taken a few classes in school, both high school and college, but have mainly learned on my own by reading books and researching on the internet. Sometimes however, some of the material seems overly explained or uses "large words" where I need a dictionary to even read an article. (And then you need to look up words in the definition to even understand that! :P)

So this blog is designed to easily explain even some of the more advanced aspects of music theory so anyone can lean it and then, hopefully, use it.

So thank you for stopping by and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Please come again soon!

- J