Friday, August 22, 2008


Welcome to the Music Theory by J blog!

Music is one of my greatest passions in life. Luckily, it comes fairly easy for me. I understand music theory easily and there's always a new song in my head for me to write down.

I have taken a few classes in school, both high school and college, but have mainly learned on my own by reading books and researching on the internet. Sometimes however, some of the material seems overly explained or uses "large words" where I need a dictionary to even read an article. (And then you need to look up words in the definition to even understand that! :P)

So this blog is designed to easily explain even some of the more advanced aspects of music theory so anyone can lean it and then, hopefully, use it.

So thank you for stopping by and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Please come again soon!

- J

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